
Our FIS Pre-Primary curriculum is designed to incorporate play-based learning, hands-on activities, and age-appropriate experiences that encourage exploration and discovery. The primary focus is on fostering a joy of learning and allowing children to grow stress-free at their own pace. The key points in our Pre-Primary education are:

The child as an Active Learner

At FIS, children are active participants in their learning journey. Through hands-on activities, language exploration, and play, they build on their interests and experiences. Activities are tailored to each child, fostering trust in their abilities and promoting a sense of belonging.

Play is the cornerstone of children's development at FIS. It cultivates collaboration, emotional expression, and skill acquisition while promoting well-being and group cohesion. Pedagogical play creates a shared world of wonder for both children and teachers.

Play-based learning

Being fascinated by the child

FIS prioritises the child's perspective, valuing their thoughts, interests, and questions. Teachers engage respectfully, listening to and appreciating children's contributions, fostering a nurturing environment for learning.

FIS emphasises holistic growth, embracing diversity and equity. Pre-Primary education supports stress-free learning, nurturing transversal competences essential for today's diverse world.

Holistic learning and wellbeing

The joy of learning

At FIS, learning is joyful. Children experience daily smiles, laughter, and excitement, ensuring that childhood remains fun and learning a delightful journey.

The Joy of Learning

Transversal Competences

Maths in pre-primary